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Al Jazeera journalist Hind Khoudary was shocked to hear CNN's Christiane Amanpour say there were no journalists on the ground in Gaza - (Screen shot photo of the Up Front program on Al Jazeera.com)


CNN's Christiane Amanpour, a Arab, carries on the channel's arrogant attitude stating there were no journalists on the ground in Gaza


AlJazeera journalist Wael Dahdouh lost his immediate family and was injured twice in Israeli bombing BUT… HE WON'T QUIT REPORTING - (Screen shot photo of the Listening Post program on Al Jazeera.com)


This Palestinian journalist was shot in July 2023. Since October 7th 103 Palestinian journalists have been murdered - (Screen shot - Al Jazeera.com)


Does this JEW Idiot represent the thinking of US politicians that have UNWAVERING SUPPORT for ISRAEL? - (screen shot photo)




James Loving - National Radio Text Service



Hind Khoudary on reporting from Gaza Marc Lamont Hill talks to Al Jazeera journalist Hind Khoudary on World Press Freedom Day about reporting from Gaza. As the world marks Press Freedom Day, we turn to Gaza and the mounting toll of journalist deaths since October 7th. More than 100 media workers have been killed in the last seven months, as Israel continues its deadly war on Gaza


Monday May 6, 2024

CNN... the News World's Sess Pool

You would think that at some point CNN would get their heads out of their asses and come up for air. The polluted of information they disperse is pungent. If it isn't fake news it's insulting.

That is the case when their top Arab journalist made a foolish inaccurate statement that there were no journalists on the ground in Gaza.

She reportedly walked that back as if someone informed her that indeed there were since Israel won't permit international journalists into Gaza to observe their WAR CRIMES. Jews are smart, they prefer to keep their dirty laundry secret.

Their have been three exceptions to our knowledge, Clarisa Ward (the horse's mouth), Sara Sidner and Nick Robertson were given an armed IDF escort service to dig up their dirt on Gaza. It's proof positive as we've repeatedly noted that CNN is THE VOICE of ISRAEL.

This no journalists in Gaza issue came about on the Up Front program on Al Jazeera. The program is hosted by Marc Lamont Hill, formerly with CNN.

We previously mention his dismissal in our Video Beat January 2019 issue. At the time we expressed these feeling about CNN.

CNN is the leader in propaganda while reporting slanted, biased or fake news. Their links to the Zionist Jew cause is evident in their positive reports from Jerusalem and their demonizing anything Palestinian. Al Jazeera is more balanced and reports good and bad news. They are what CNN is NOT… BALANCED.

At this point our opinion hasn't changed but only more clarified.

Hill has as his guest Gaza journalist Hind Khoudary. Hind heard what Amanpour said and was taken back by the outlandish statement. She questioned are we invisible? She noted whatever happens in Gaza is supplied by Palestinian journalists in Gaza. They are locked and others, aside from CNN, are locked out.

Hind explained the dangers of the dangers they have doing their job. They are fully aware of the sophisticated technology the Israeli's have. They are sure they are targeted. Their homes are destroyed and their families murdered.

Hind pointed out that she has lost family members and her home. She share that her own family are afraid for her to visit them since they know that journalists are targeted. She understands their concerns but by her voice sounds like she is saddened by it.

Hind is young and her family life is torn apart. She suffers from the lack of food but survives. She understands how important their job is to report TO THE WORLD what is happening in Gaza.

Hind has a sweet voice that depicts horrendous stories. Given this drastic situation she is somewhat soothing to hear. Her face shows the emotion of the events and she is professional.

As Hind was really getting into what was happening the transmission was cut off. As Hill mentioned this is a regular occurrence in Gaza.

The irony is the following day Israel raided the offices of Al Jazeera in Jerusalem and confiscated their equipment. The channel is banned in Israel for a 45 day period. The ban will be reviewed after 45 days and can be extended for another 45 day period.

This show of 12 minutes is a MUST WATCH. Listen to someone that knows and talks from experience. She tells the stories and is not obligated to Israel as is CNN. The truth CAN BE TOLD.

VIDEO LINK - copy & paste


Duration 12:37

UpFront Journalists ‘have zero protection’:

Hind Khoudary on reporting from Gaza Marc Lamont Hill talks to Al Jazeera journalist Hind Khoudary on World Press Freedom Day about reporting from Gaza.

As the world marks Press Freedom Day, we turn to Gaza and the mounting toll of journalist deaths since October 7th. More than 100 media workers have been killed in the last seven months, as Israel continues its deadly war on Gaza.

So how are journalists in Gaza continuing their reporting? And are journalists in the West doing enough to shine a light on the plight of their Palestinian colleagues?

This week on UpFront, Marc Lamont Hill speaks to Hind Khoudary, an Al Jazeera journalist who has been reporting from the ground since day one.


Think about this. After 300 bodies were dug up from a mass burial, Israel denies responsibility. They claim the accusations are UNFOUNDED. Given that they are the only group in Gaza that is on the job killing Palestinians who else could it be? It's another case of Israeli's being ardent liars, they lie all the time.

The question is how can genocide Joe Biden continue to steal US taxpayer money to fund a septic, lying, murdering state?


CNN is steadfast in ignoring what really goes on to pay their debt to the Zionist billionaire class that pays their bills through advertising. In another way it is via invitations. A third way is by being given braking news. This is a topic we will delve into at a later date.



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