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After an assassination attempt a wounded Donald Trump is led off the stage by a Secret Service agent. The defiant Trump raises his fist and shouts to his followers to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT - (RT News screen shot)


Video Beat - BIDEN HITS HIS SELL by DATE - We came, we saw, he died - Feeble minded US President Joe Biden revealed his state of mind in a CNN televised Presidential Debate with Donald Trump - (Screen shot photo on the Daily Show of CNN event)

Two of CNN's Jews Jake Tapper and Dana Bash avoided the hot button topic of Israel's genocide in Gaza - (Screen shot photo of CNN event)


Miriam Adelson receiving from Donald Trump the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2018 - (US GOV Photo)


6 year-old Hind's voice went silent. The reason why remains a mystery. The question is WHO KILLED little HIND? - (RT News screen shot - photo)


Kamala Harris, 58, next to her husband Doug Emhoff, being sworn in as a US Senator by then Vice President Joe Biden in 2017 - (photo of USG)


Does this JEW Idiot represent the thinking of US politicians that have UNWAVERING SUPPORT for ISRAEL? - (screen shot photo)


Donald Trump's payoff for supporting the apartheid state of Israel is starting to payoff. Israel named the Trump Heights town after him. What is to follow, Trump Hotels, office buildings, golf courses and resorts in Israel? Stay tuned...




James Loving - National Radio Text Service



As they say keep you friend close and your enemies closer. We support all people that think for themselves and develop their own opinions. This RT news cast is a worthy watch. The link is provided below


Monday July 15, 2024


It was a grazing shot heard around the world. An assassination attempt of former US president Donald Trump nearly ended his campaign and life. While speaking in Butler, Pennsylvania an assassin shot six times at Trump according to ABC News, before he was killed by a Secret Service agent sniper. Prior to the shooting the sniper was undetected being positioned on a rooftop by law enforcement and the Secret Service.

The shot grazed Trump's upper part of his ear. As he reached up with his hand to touch the blood dripping from his ear he dropped behind the podium. Secret Service agents rushed up to the stage and covered his body for protection. Shots rang out from secret service agents stationed on roof tops shooting at the sniper.

The coverage of the event on RT News was interesting since they interviewed individuals the main stream media would not present.

Tucker Carlson made an interesting point a year ago that Trump's adversaries did everything possible to stop Trump's political career. He noted that everything tried didn't work therefore it's within reason that an assassination of him would be a logical next step. Carlson noted that every time his enemies try to stop Trump he gains in popularity.

It's no secret that politics are dirty but this occurrence following the debate that his Democrat opposition Joe Biden being scrutinized as losing the plot raises some conspiracy theories.

As the brazen Trump stood up while secret service surrounded him he insisted that they hold up for a second as he raised his fist while shouting out to the crowd fight, fight, fight. Blood continued to stream from his ear as he was led off the stage.

Chants of USA, USA, and USA rang out from the crowd as Trump was led to safety and driven off to a hospital.

The dead assailant was only 20-years-old. He had no military training. The questions that have yet to be answered are where he obtained his weapons. Also how and why did he practice firing a weapon? What drove his anger towards Trump?

RT News coverage had observers claiming that they saw the man with a gun on a rooftop. They claim law enforcement ignored their concerns. The lack of efficiency and protocol came into question.

Conspiracy theories ranged from Joe Biden and his Zionist Jew gang were responsible. Also it was theorized that Trump set it up to gain sympathy and increase support. What separates those conjectures was a man died and others were injured from wayward bullets.

Dr. Seyed Mohammad Marandi a professor at Iran's Theran University voiced a perspective on assassinations of Iranian targets. His observations were interesting since Trump ordered the assassination of an Iranian leader that was carried out.

He pointed out that there are terrorist organizations based in the west and America that have carried out assassinations against Iranian leaders since the 80's. He said that they escape and are permitted to live in North America. He noted that assassination attempts against Iran leaders have been given support by America and the west. America and Europe have a rich history of murdering Iranian leaders and scientists.

The professor pointed out that it doesn't matter who leads America weather it is Biden, Trump or (Kamala) Harris that all of it is a violent regime that has been threatening us (Iran).

He added that Biden supports genocide. He noted that he supplies weapons to slaughter Palestinians. He remarked that Israel says they are aiming at Hamas military targets to justify slaughtering women and children.

Basically he noted that assassination organizations are a part of politics. He said there is a hostile environment in the United States and how divided it is. He doubts that Biden has the capacity to target a Trump assassination although he has done much worst to the Palestinian people.

The RT News presenter pointed out that CNN or main stream media always have a pro-Israel narrative. Anytime CNN reports about Gaza it's always about ohh… poor Israel.

He claims that for two hours CNN didn't report the assassination attempt on Trump. He said they only said Trump was falling.

Marandi said that CNN always tries to justify the war on Gaza. He added that main stream western media are a part of this genocide (in Gaza). He said they try to justify it. He said since main stream media lies so much they discredit themselves. He added that youths in America including Jews have woken up and no longer believe in what is reported in main stream western media.

What we, National Radio World, try to present is being open to all opinions of people from all nations. We don't support the American narrative of their projected enemies. This is their mission to support their military industrial complex.

As they say keep you friends close and your enemies closer. We support all people that think for themselves and develop their own opinions. This RT news cast is a worthy watch. The link is provided below.


14 Jul, 2024 07:02

HomeShowsNews RT News

July 14 2024 (09:00 MSK)

Donald Trump survives an assassination attempt while addressing thousands of his supporters at a rally in Pennsylvania. Shortly after he recounted the moment. The shooter who took aim at Donald Trump is dead. The Secret Service adding that a spectator has also lost his life during the hail of gunfire. However, Joe Biden fails to call it an assassination attempt. Amid an outpouring of support for Donald Trump, others, are upset the shooter didn't have better aim and a sickness is trending, suggesting the assassin simply had one job. So the question remains, was this attack on the cards.





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