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6 year-old Hind was injured in the wreckage of a car. She talked to the Red Crescent and pleaded for them to come and save her. Rescue workers were delayed due to Israeli forces being active in the area - (AlJazeera News screen shot photo)


A UK based research group did a digital forensic examination concluded 355 bullets were fired at Hind the family car. A tank is in the background firing bullets - (RT News screen shot - photo)

Hind's car not only had numerous bullet holes but it was also SMASHED. Bullets don't smash or crush, tanks do - (RT News screen shot - photo)


US Gov press rep Matthew Miller - (RT News screen shot - photo)

Red Crescent's spokesperson Nebal Farsakh - (RT News screen shot - photo)

The RIGHT STUFF… Columbia University apparent Jewish student stands for Palestine and ceasefire - (The Listening Post program on Al Jazeera screen shot photo)


The US President Joe Biden - (US Government - photo)


Netanyahu has criticized a decision by the military to implement a daily halt to fighting along a route through southern Gaza to facilitate aid delivery


Israel advised Palestinians to move south to safe zones. Actually they wanted them to be packed together to slaughter them. The tactic equates to more DEATHS PER BOMB - (RT News screen shot photo)



6 year-old Hind's voice went silent. The reason why remains a mystery. The question is WHO KILLED little HIND? - (RT News screen shot - photo)


Does this JEW Idiot represent the thinking of US politicians that have UNWAVERING SUPPORT for ISRAEL? - (screen shot photo)


His Sweetness, Anthony Blinken meets with bad ass Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss what ONLY Israel wants - (RT News screen shot photo)

Why did Great Britain start this mess to begin with in 1922? - Israel exists due to the influence and support from the COLONIALIST British government applying their MIGHTY WHITEY MENTALITY to invade, take over land by force and rule the world - (Al-Nakba screen shot/ photo)

The Giggy Monster, israel's Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir an ILLEGAL West Bank settler. He wants to move to Gaza - (RT NEWS screen shot - photo)


Leading up to October 7th settlements have continually been built on Palestinian land - (RT NEWS screen shot - photo)

Graffiti such as "Die Arab Sand-Niggers!" is often sprayed on Palestinian houses by Israeli settlers. Location: Hebron, West Bank, Palestine - American politicians support Israel and their murdering, racist practices - (CPT-Hebron photo)

The conspiracy to create Israel.


Israeli military have built a road through the middle of Gaza while the empty words of the US government fearfully observe - (Screen shot of The Listening Post program on AlJazeera) https://www.aljazeera.com/program/the-listening-post/2024/3/9/the-airdrops-optics-of-urgency-illusions-of-aid

Israeli Jews gather for Gaza land - (Screen shot of The Listening Post program on AlJazeera) https://www.aljazeera.com/program/the-listening-post/2024/3/9/the-airdrops-optics-of-urgency-illusions-of-aid

A mentally challenged and illegal settler Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir riles up an audience for an ILLEGAL return to Gaza - (Screen shot of The Listening Post program on AlJazeera) https://www.aljazeera.com/program/the-listening-post/2024/3/9/the-airdrops-optics-of-urgency-illusions-of-aid

# 2 on our NEW NR TOP 10 is: ISRAEL… THE BABY KILLERS - THE ISRAELI BARBARIANS EMOTIONLESS SLAUGHTER - These babies in Gaza survived and are being treated at hospitals that have been bombed by Israel. That's the good news, the BAD NEWS IS OTHER Palestinian BABIES WERE KILLED - Al Jazeera photo







Richard Ricciardi - National Radio WORLD Text Service


Sand Nigger murders for Netanyahu to stay out of jail. Most important is to carry out their murdering genocide ways to continue to receive weapons and hard earned US taxpayer dollars - MISSION CONTROL…. WE HAVE A PROBLEM


Saturday July 6, 2024


Hind Rajab a 6-year-old Palestinian girl has become the poster child for the thousands of Palestinian babies and children murdered by Israeli forces. Her story has gained momentum since reports of her tragic death with family members was first reported on Al Jazeera's English news channel in January.

When Columbia University students protested the war in Gaza, they took over a building and named it the HIND HALL. That was our first indication of what we felt what was primarily ignored by the Zionist controlled main stream media had reached the viral level via underground sources.

"She was just 6-years-old," a protester yelled at Anthony Blinken when he was speaking to some members of congress. The protester was removed from the room and Blinken IGNORED the issue. In street terms, he shined it on without… (Ahem) singing a Neil Young song.

A UK based research group did a digital forensic examination concluded 355 bullets were fired at Hind the family car with six occupants. The story gained momentum since we first reported on it after we first viewed it on the Al Jazeera News channel.

It must be noted that Israel banned all foreign press from entering Gaza. The only reports that came from there were from press members of Al Jazeera living in Gaza. They are the only truth seekers regarding Israel's slaughtering invasion. With truth leaking out by Al Jazeera the Israeli government banned the channel from reporting from Israel and the Palestinian West Bank.

Six months on since the incident occurred on January 29, 2024 some international media have recently paid attention to the incident. The occurrence eventually surfaced via to us, unknown sources.

When US Gov press rep Matthew Miller was pressed by the media about investigating the attack his initial response was that they requested the Israeli government to look into it.

In a sparsely attended follow up press gathering Miller said the Israeli government asked the Palestinian Red Crescent medical service about the incident but they refused to give them any information about it. Red Crescent spokesperson Nebal Farsakh said the Israeli government never asked for any information.

It is common knowledge that Israeli's are ardent liars and that was evident when their investigation concluded that there were no tanks at that site. A reporter then asked Miller, then who fired 355 tank bullets into the car. Miller replied that he was not there on the ground and could not give an assessment on the matter.

Basically, the US Government failed to follow up on Israel's lies to seek the truth for justice. Truth and justice are not an issue that matters to the US Government, murdering Arab Sand Niggers is their priority. As their senile US President Joe Biden said that they should KILL ALL OF HAMAS.

What does that mean? HAMAS is and ideology, the same case of Zionism both are ideologies. Many political analysts say that you can't kill or eliminate and ideology.

This is another example that Israel does not respect the US Government by treating them as idiots. Israel tolerates the US simply to encourage a continued flow of weapons and US taxpayer dollars from them. It's another case of stick it up your arse a-holes and US reps take a yes-sah attitude to the disrespectful Israeli response.

This week it was revealed that Hind's father was killed by the IDF according to her grandfather. That leaves only Hind's mother, brother and grandfather being the only immediate family members still alive. Red Crescent's Nebal Farsakh said that there was no way that these murders were not intentional.

The intent is obvious when before a Red Crescent ambulance goes to an area, they must call the IDF to request a safe route to the site they're going. They were given a safe route which is where the ambulance going to save Hind was hit with what appears to be a missile. The ambulance was totally smashed and burned out with the skeleton of the two employees in the burned-out wreckage.

Nearby Hind's car not only had numerous bullet holes in it but it was SMASHED. Bullets don't smash or crush, tanks do. Photos of the incident show the car was crushed.

All of the information and photos are included in the RT News telecast on July 3 at 9 PM MSK. The roughly 7-minute report begins about 24 minutes into the telecast.


The proof the tank attack occurred is verified with the two young girls talking on the phone to the Red Crescent. The elder girl was being recorded when said a tank was approaching and shooting at the them. You could hear the gunshots and the elder girl screaming as she was being shot dead.

Hind then got on the phone and said the tank was very near to her. She said she was shot in the hand, arm and back. She begged the operator to come save her. She begged for the operator to stay on the phone with her, that she was afraid. Her last words were that the tank was coming at her and then…... her voice went silent.

It's another case of Israeli lies and intentional targeting Palestinian citizens. It's the same scenario that occurred in April when World Central Kitchen vehicles were hit with missiles killing all occupants in the three armored vehicles of the organization had on the road.

The first two vehicles were relatively close to each other, a third vehicle was photographed over a mile south of them along a 1.55-mile stretch which indicates there was specific targeting.

Prior to their departure they also called the IDF informing them of their planed travels and destination. They were given safe route information but were hit with missiles anyway. When questioned the IDF said they'll look into it. There reply was it was another MISTAKE.


With Israel always making mistakes and denying responsibility it reveals how chicken shit the US Government is since it lacks the balls to take charge and take care of business. The only logical explanation to their lack of action is they are complicit in Israel's procedures. They are going along with Israel's lying, defying program. It is embarrassing to hear these candy asses that are supposed to be representing US citizens to be such cowards.

The problem is Israel is a state that is out of control. It is led by mentally challenged, erratic fascist leaders. Netanyahu is trying to maintain a war to stay in power to avoid facing a trial for three counts of corruption and one count of bribery. It is strongly believed that he could do jail time if found guilty. His selfish mission is to continue murdering Arab Sand Niggers to stay out of jail.

If and when he leaves Gaza, he will attack Lebanon simply to save his coward ass and stay out of jail. What is most concerning is ISRAEL HAS NUCLEAR BOMBS. Since they are NOT KNOWN to be honest and logical consider what happens when they continue to lose their sensibilities and ACCIDENTALLY FIRE OFF A NUCLEAR BOMB AND REPLY… IT WAS A MISTAKE?





Will pro-Palestine student protests force a shift in US policy towards Israel’s war on Gaza?


The Newsmakers 178K subscribers 3,552 views Apr 29, 2024

Student protests in the US have surged, with big rallies and sit-ins supporting Palestine and demanding divestment in Israel. However, there's concern over the politicisation of this movement. Are allegations of antisemitism valid, and is the tough response from authorities suitable?


Pro-Palestine protests continue on Cal, Stanford campuses

KRON 4 128K subscribers



The Listening Post The airdrops:


Optics of urgency, illusions of aid

An absurd spectacle as the US drops aid into Gaza while also arming Israel.

The United States’ airdrops of aid into Gaza are a textbook case of cognitive dissonance on the part of the US administration dropping food while continuing to send Israel bombs with which to pulverise Gaza. And the gulf between what’s happening on the ground and the mainstream media’s reportage continues to widen.


Related story: WHO KILLED HIND Rajab?


RT News - February 20 2024 (09:00 MSK)

@ 23 min in - A 6-year-old Palestinian girl, whose story became viral - It’s judgment day for Julian Assange, as the jailed whistleblower’s extradition case is set to be heard at the UK High Court while he’s wanted on espionage charges in the US.

A Palestinian surgeon shares his emotional account, while hospitals are overflowing with wounded women and children amid deadly IDF strikes.

And, as the Hague probes a fresh case against Israel, we hear exclusively from a Palestinian envoy. Russian forces show seized Western-supplied munitions in the recently taken city of Avdeevka where Ukrainian troops were apparently battling alongside some foreign soldiers.



RT News - February 10 2024 (17:00 MSK)

A 6-year-old Palestinian girl, whose story became viral after she went missing when her family's car was shot-at inside Gaza by the IDF, is found dead - along with a Red Crescent mission sent to rescue her. The humanitarian group calls the killings deliberate.

As the Israeli military prepares to invade the southern Gazan city of Rafah - where over a million displaced civilians are sheltering - we hear some fiery, contrasting opinions on the war.

The UN warns of 'epic suffering' - and the world turning a blind eye to war-torn Sudan - where 700-thousand children are said to be facing life-threatening malnutrition.




NewsFeed Body of missing Palestinian girl Hind Rajab found in destroyed car

The body of six-year-old Hind Rajab has been found decomposing in the car where her family were killed by Israeli gunfire in Gaza City. A few metres away, the ambulance sent to rescue Hind was burnt out with the remains of two medics inside.



RT News - January 31 2024 (17:00 MSK)

A doctor at a Jenin hospital details for us how Israeli forces disguised in civilian clothing killed three sleeping Palestinians, one of them needing special treatment for a disability. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society posts the chilling final phone call with a six-year-old girl trapped inside the car of her slain family, whose fate is still unknown after two days.

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and his wife receive 14-year prison sentences for corruption, after he was handed a 10-year term for leaking state secrets. His former advisor says the trial was conducted with serious irregularities.



RT News - February 10 2024 (17:00 MSK)

A 6-year-old Palestinian girl, whose story became viral after she went missing when her family's car was shot-at inside Gaza by the IDF, is found dead - along with a Red Crescent mission sent to rescue her. The humanitarian group calls the killings deliberate. As the Israeli military prepares to invade the southern Gazan city of Rafah - where over a million displaced civilians are sheltering - we hear some fiery, contrasting opinions on the war.

The UN warns of 'epic suffering' - and the world turning a blind eye to war-torn Sudan - where 700-thousand children are said to be facing life-threatening malnutrition.


1:21 / 6:32

See inside tunnels IDF alleges Hamas used under Khan Younis


Jan 11, 2024 #CNN #News CNN international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson joined the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to tour what IDF alleges are tunnels used by Hamas under Khan Younis in southern Gaza. #CNN #News


News Feed

Ambulances hit during Israeli air attack in Gaza

Video shows the moment a convoy of ambulances was hit during an Israeli air raid in Gaza, where officials have accused Israel of 'direct and systematic attacks' on paramedic units. Several health workers have been killed in recent days.



Rights group accuses Israel of using banned weapon in Gaza

Rights group Euro-Med Monitor says it has evidence that Israel has been firing banned white phosphorous in Gaza, after videos emerged of it being used in the city.



News Feed

Mother's final kiss with child killed in Israeli strike in Gaza

A Palestinian mother in Gaza gave a last kiss to her dead child who was killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza.



News Feed

"These animals can no longer live" says Israel's oldest reservist "

These animals can no longer live". 95-year-old Israeli army reservist Ezra Yachin was filmed calling on Israeli troops to kill families and children along with Hamas fighters in Gaza.



News Feed

Ice cream trucks being used to store bodies as Israel bombs Gaza Hospital morgues in Gaza are being overwhelmed by the number of people killed in Israeli air attacks, so ice cream trucks and refrigerated food vehicles are being used to store bodies.



Gaza residents shelter in UN schools amid Israeli attacks

Residents across the Gaza Strip have sought shelter in UN-run schools. But many of the buildings have been targeted by Israeli air strikes and essential supplies are getting scarce.



How the US supports Israel's military

The Israel military waging war in Gaza has one of the world's most powerful militaries, bolstered by billions of dollars of military aid from the US each year. Here's what US military support for Israel looks like.


Published On 12 Oct 2023




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